Mitsubishi Pajero

1982-1998 of release

Repair and car operation

Митсубиси Паджеро
+ 1.1. The instrument panel and control means
+ 2. Maintenance service
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Greasing system
+ 6. The power supply system
- 7. Release system
   7.1. Introduction
   7.2. System of decrease in toxicity
+ 8. Fuel system
+ 9. A running part
+ 10. A suspension bracket and a steering
+ 11. Brake system
+ 12. A body
+ 13. An electric equipment
+ 14. Electroschemes


7.2. System of decrease in toxicity


Arrangement of details of the power supply system 24-klapannogo the engine of 3,0 l, 1995

F. The relay of the compressor of the conditioner
Q. The conditioner switch
G. The gauge of rotation of a cam-shaft
P. A control lamp of check of the engine
I. The rotation Gauge коленвала
N. A socket of the channel of data
R. The processor block
J. The gauge of temperature of a liquid
E. The purge solenoid
A. A Diagostichesky socket of the fuel pump
T. The warmed up gauge of oxygen
K. The electric motor of giving of air
H. The ignition coil (the power transistor)
B. A socket for installation of the moment of ignition
D. An atomizer
S. The relay вспрыска
U. The blocking switch of automatic transmission
L. The gauge of pressure of the hydraulic booster of a wheel
C. The gauge of turn throttle заслонки
O. The gauge of speed
M. The gauge of the expense of air (with the gauge of temperature and the barometric gauge)

The locations of knots and power supply system units 24-klapannogo the engine of 3,0 l, 1995

1. A cam-shaft asterisk
2. The gauge of rotation of a cam-shaft
3. The rotation gauge коленвала
4. A leading asterisk

The locations of knots and power supply system units 24-klapannogo the engine of 3,0 l, 1995

1. The injection relay
Arrangement of knots and units of the power supply system of the DOHC-engine of 3,5 l, 1994-98

A. The relay of the compressor of the conditioner
B. The conditioner switch
C. The gauge of rotation of a cam-shaft
D. A control lamp of check of the engine
E. The rotation gauge коленвала
F. A socket of the channel of data
G. The valve solenoid рециркуляции
H. The gauge of temperature of system рециркуляции
I. The Processor block
J. The gauge of temperature of a liquid
K. The purge solenoid
L. A diagnostic socket of the fuel pump
M. The warmed up gauge of oxygen
N. The electric motor of giving of air idling
O. The ignition coil (the power transistor)
P. A socket for installation of the moment of ignition
Q. An atomizer
R. The injection relay
S. The blocking switch of automatic transmission
T. The gauge of pressure of the hydraulic booster of a wheel
U. The gauge of turn of the throttle
V. The Solenoid of management of a stream on a soaking up collector
W. The gauge of speed
X. The Gauge of the expense of air (with the gauge of temperature and the barometric gauge)

The locations of knots and units of the power supply system of the DOHC-engine of 3,5 l, 1994-98

Cars are equipped by following systems of decrease in toxicity:

  – Ventilation system картера;
  – System of catching of steams of gasoline;
  – System рециркуляции;
  – System доокисления exhaust gases;
  – Neutralizer;
  – System of regulation of temperature of sucked in air;
  – The additional valve of a purge of the chamber of combustion on small turns.

On the car with the diesel engine the first 3 systems are established.